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5 Things You Need to Know About Marketing

5 Things You Need toWhen thinking about how to market your business and grow your clientele base, the process may seem overwhelming. You may have many questions but here are 5 things you need to know about marketing:

  1. Start investing in marketing. First and foremost, you need to do it! Invest in marketing! Set goals and create a plan to accomplish your goals! If you need help creating a marketing plan, contact me! Marketing takes a combined effort of emailing, social media, promotions, blogging and so much more.  By tracking your metrics over time, you will find out the return on your original investment. It will be worth it!
  2. It will take time. Time is precious but be patient. What you do today affects your tomorrow. Take the time to think through where you are today and where you want your future to be. What does success look like for you? Set realistic goals.
  3. Be consistent. Readers and viewers like to know what to expect. Be consistent in posting times and promotions. If you find you don’t have time to write a blog every day, write twice a week. Post to social media multiple times a day or daily. Run a campaign monthly.
  4. If it doesn’t work the first time, try again! When starting a new campaign, you may or may not get the results anticipated. Make changes as necessary. Marketing plans are not set in stone! Whatever you do…
  5. Don’t give up and keep moving forward!
I help clients grow their business through their website, social media, and blog! I am looking for my next great opportunity!

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